Monday, 14 December 2009

Pineapple fields forever..

Phew - its hot!! Sorry - you can all glare at me through your computers if you like!!
I think 'random' is the best word that describes our time in Brisbane, or more correctly, Redcliffe so far!! Hayley didn't want us to have a typical Queensland experience so has been thinking up some of the slightly more unusual places to take us to!

On Saturday we went into the Queensland Hinterland - up into the hills, to grey sky and slight drizzle! (although still very warm!!) to search out quaint (or as quaint as anything can actually be in Australia!) little gift shops and afternoon tea in Maleny and Montville.

Then we headed to my personal highlight of the afternoon - the Big Pineapple!! For any of you that have ever been here you will know that size really is everything to the Aussies and there is a whole tourist trail of 'big' things to see from shrimps and rams (we nearly went to see the big ram in WA but it was 30km in the wrong direction so even we weren't that stupid!) to pineapples!! We even had to go down the Bruce Highway to get there, ha ha!

It's huge!!

I still can't resist climbing big things!

At the Big Pineapple you can even go on a little train ride round the plantation and they tell you lots of interesting facts about pineapples before you climb the big one! So here are my two interesting facts - pineapples take over 18 months to grow and once picked they don't ripen any more - so there is no point leaving it out on the kitchen table for a few days to sweeten up because it really won't! Fascinating, eh!

With Mummy and Daddy Brock on the Pineapple Express!

From the Big Pineapple we drove past Australia Zoo - cue massive pictures of Steve Irwin holding a crocodile! - to the Ettamogah Pub, which has to be one of the most hilarious Australian experiences, typifying everything Australian (its even right by Aussie World, if you want more of a fix!)

After the meeting yesterday (and the 20 minute public talk!!) Brad and Salini came down to join us! We caught up over date scones and bubbly and then headed over to Scarborough Boat Club (sounds a lot grander than it actually is!) to look over the great view of the harbour and some of the gorgeous boats whilst sipping our drinks to a backdrop of the Sunday entertainment which consisted of a guy and girl (think Same Difference off the Xfactor but dark) singing classics such as 'the birdie song' (and yes, they were encouraging people to do the actions - I had a sudden flash back to dancing around the front room at my grandparents house to this when I was about 5!), the Macarena and the Nutbush! As Hayley aptly pointed out - money doesn't buy class!!

Kz and I then went and did three hours streetwork this morning in 34 degree heat so are fully intending spending the rest of the afternoon sitting under the fans with a nice cold jug of water!!


  1. Oh...the Big Pineapple - that brings back memories. Can't believe it's still there! (I used to work around the corner from it in the hole that is called Nambour!)

    Hope you girlies are having a great time. Give B&S are big hug from us.

    Take care,
    Ingrid and Nelson x

  2. Sun, Hayles, A Giant Pineapple and a 20-minute public talk? My life is rubbish in comparison.
