Saturday, 29 January 2011

Back Down South

It was an inauspicious start to our final South Island trip after a series of disasterous incidents before we even left Christchurch airport...

  1. Jessamy texted to report that following a major storm over Golden Bay our campsite was currently cut off from the road by two flooded rivers, and the tent sites closely resembled a bog as they were ankle deep in mud and had resorted to playing scrabble in the car because at least it was dry there....
  2. I very nearly was refused entry back into NZ when the lady on immigration insisted I had to re-enter using my work visa (that was due to expire) even when the nice man said that of course it was ok for me to come in as a tourist... thank goodness he won the argument!

  3. David managed to smash 2 litres of gin and rum in the arrivals hall when he dropped his duty free...

However, after several long hours of waiting around for 5 people to arrive on 5 different flights from various locations, finally tracking down the Bousie car that had been kindly left for us in the long term carpark, and having a lovely reunion for dinner with the new Mr and Mrs Brueckelaar, we were able to set off for the long drive to Golden Bay in glorious sunshine and blue skies for what was possibly the best week of my whole time in NZ.

To be honest, we crammed in a lot of fun and frolics into a week's worth of camping, during which time the campsite dried out and we had blazing sunshine everyday, so rather than even try and encapsulate that all in words, I'll try and let the pictures speak for themselves! So here is what you need to have an awesome holiday...

Set Up a Campsite...

No camp kitchen is complete without a fish smoker, fridge and scrabble!

Find a man with a boat...

Wait patiently for the lift to arrive...

Be safety conscious and take the boat to a (mostly) deserted beach...

Our little beach....
Make or bury things in the sand!

Go biscuiting!

MZ gives it a go against all good advice about her shoulder...

David holds on for dear life!

Colin wonders where his biscuit partner has gone...whilst the spotters remain oblivious
There he is!

James and Laura get airborne!

Go to Farewell Spit, find some sand dunes and jump into the sea!

Ashdon with his favourite auntie...

Quite a big sand dune!

Its quicker on the way down!

Find water...must jump in!

Ben makes a friend

Find some time to relax....

James builds a shelter and becomes Lord of the Beach

The girls relax at Totranui


Go 4-wheel driving...and get stuck in the mud!

Jessamy does her best Salem impression!

Eden doesn't get anywhere fast!

The intrepid crew

Start a band....

Yes boys, its totally cool to play 'Mary had a little lamb'on beer bottles!

Find a really cool pub called the Mussel Inn, try the home made Feijoa Cider and dance the night away...

Nat demonstrates what too much home brew does to you!

Go to PuPu Springs... where the water is amazingly pure and clear!

Best flat ever...

Take Ashdon on his first mini tramp...

Make sure there are rock pools to swim in!

It might be clear but it was COLD

Or go to Payne's Ford and be way more reckless!

Have amazing meals every night... but always do the washing up!

Always find a location to play 500...

Do incredibly stupid things like jump off really high bridges...

What a little thing called peer pressure makes us do...
Rediscover your inner child and play silly games... (although as Natalie discovered, it helps to be emotionally invested!)

Can you see David in the tent??!

Rounders: England vs The rest of the World!

Jessamy wins the roly-poly race!

This one is a wriggler!

Have a fire on the beach and make s'mores...(but remember to check beforehand if the tide is coming in or out when you take the car on the sand!)

Last but not least, go with an amazing group of people!!!

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