Wednesday, 10 February 2010


What an eventful week it's been! The first piece of good news is that Michelle now has a job!! The days of having to come home after the ministry and search for one have past, in fact she actually got 3 job offers but she ended up going for a part time role as one of the Mayor of Auckland's PAs!! So she will soon be putting the city to rights and giving him the benefit of her wisdom - sadly he doesn't seem to be as exciting as Boris or Ken, but you can't complain!

The second major event in our lives this week was that we now have somewhere to live! We are moving in with some lovely sisters in the congregation and have found a fantastic 5 bed house just around the corner from Josh and Shianne (so we can still pop round for dinner!). We move in at the beginning of March, so sadly you'll have to wait until then for the pictures and guided tour via the blog...

Between job and house hunting though we have been keeping ourselves suitably amused... On Sunday James and Laura hosted a mini pool party which really was a lot of fun:

Annie proving that you can go into the pool and not get your hair wet...
Then it was back to the routine of ministry as it was our last full week off before we start work, however we managed to fit in a couple of tourist things in at the same time - we took a detour on Monday and went to the summit of Mount Eden (or Maungawhau in Maori), the highest non man made point in Auckland. Fortunately this volcano hasn't erupted for 15,000 years so I felt it was a 'low risk' activity!! The views over the city are amazing, sadly it was a little cloudy but you could still appreciate them...

View of the Auckland skyline - the Sky Tower is the highest man-made point in New Zealand

View of One Tree Hill - more famous these days for its lack of a tree at all!!

We managed to find a token tourist to take a photo of our witnessing group, and were even able to give a little witness when they asked how we all knew each other, so it wasn't a wasted 15 minute break!

Natalie, MZ, KZ, Jessemay (our new housemate!)

Pointing to our places of origin - (clockwise from left) Dunedin, London and San Francisco
Carrying on with the spirit of being tourists after the ministry today we decided to go and visit Auckland Museum (especially as this month it is free for Auckland residents, so we had added incentive!). We went with Wendy Baldwin, who is over on a visit from the UK and perhaps might stay (visa depending) so it was lovely to catch up with her and have a fellow tourist to share the experience with! The museum gives a good overview of Maori culture (although Mich wouldn't let me watch the dancing exhibition, apparently we have to wait for Rotorura), as well as info on the flora and fauna of the country (moas were seriously huge!). But our favourite part was the bit all about volcanoes, something quite important to learn about when you consider that Auckland is built on top of lots! The best part was going into a typical Auckland house and experiencing what it would be like if one erupted in Auckland (I think we entertained everyone by jumping and shrieking when the house started to move unexpectedly!) Lets hope the 'big one' doesn't happen whilst we are here...

Michelle failing to be an authentic statue!

The Auckland Museum

I think the sign says it all!!


  1. Hey Girls - so nice to read all about your trip - although at present its making me seriously homesick!! Cant wait for the Rotorua Instalment!!..... Big hugs and kisses, Trace xoxo

  2. Hee hee. Fun memories! See you soon bloomin lovelies :) x
