Thursday, 21 January 2010

Four seasons in one day

So you may be secretly pleased to hear that it is actually raining here at the moment - and I mean torrential, monsoon like rain, which is actually quite odd as its still warm outside! Its been very changeable all day, from sun to rain to back again to sun, so we have been using the weather as an excuse to stay in and work on our job hunting, which has had a measure of success - Mich is at an interview as I type, and I have one tomorrow! So things are looking up...

We have been pretty busy trying to formulate some kind of routine and our days have been taken up with ministry, job applications and trying to get to know about the local culture!

We had a lovely Sunday afternoon in the park (see pics below) listening to one of the brothers from the hall play jazz in the park and have been attending multiple bbqs - it still seems weird that it is summer here and back home is so cold...

Jess, Maria, Shianne and MZ

James and Laura

One of the most fascinating experiences about local customs (for Mich at least) was discovering about faa fa'fini... apparently on some of the pacific islands if families don't have a baby girl they take the youngest boy in the family and basically raise them as a girl - so they dress him like one and treat him like one... leaving some really rather confused people... Maria has a call on one called Vicky and Mich was fascinated to go and meet him/her (apparently it was the hands that gave it away!!!)

We are also currently trying to decide whether or not to train for an 11km run in April down in Rotorua... I'm slightly concerned about the whole thing as it would involve having to work out a good running route here and there are rather a lot of VERY steep hills in the area! However we also get to run along the water, which is really rather pretty!

My other reservation is probably just laziness on my part as I am also becoming mildly addicted to Flight of the Conchords... but hopefully that will pass!

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